
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Membership Applications

Thinking of joining the Club? Fill out the Membership Application form and our Membership Officer will contact you to guide you through the process.

Application form

Joining a Training Course?

Select "Complimentary Training"  ($0 cost) to generate an Australian Sailing number which is required to register for a training Course.

Membership Fees

Fees for the 2023-2024 season are as follows. Fees apply for Credit Card Payment (fee-free bank deposit is also available).

Family $584
Senior $499
Non-Racing Senior $362
Crew $362
Senior Pensioner $451
Youth (studying) $232
Social (non-sailing) $150


Sailing Pass

$15 per session for 1-3 sessions

$30 per session for any session after that

Boat Storage Fees

Please note: storage space is limited, especially in the bottom rack. For availability, please contact the Club Captain before making payment. Boat storage is subject to certain terms, available here. By storing your boat at the Club you agree to these terms.

Bottom rack $312
Middle rack $227
Top rack $188
Junior (Minnow/Opti) $156
Outside mast-up $240
Access key $100

Boat Lease Fees

Boat Hire Bond $200
Lease fee (second year only) $200 plus bond

Membership Declaration

By becoming a member or renewing your membership, you agree to be bound by the membership declaration as amended or replaced from time to time. The terms of the declaration are available here.

For membership renewals, use the following link to search for your Australian Sailing number: Australian Sailing Number finder | Australian Sailing

